This Seasons Fitting Events Start in March. See Demo Days Tab to Sign-up
This Seasons Fitting Events Start in March. See Demo Days Tab to Sign-up
Dear Golfer:
We are happy to announce that you are now able to renew your GHIN # online or – if you don’t have one yet – establish a GHIN # through Sandbaggers for the 2022 season.
Sandbaggers THE FAIRWAY CLUB has partnered with Mass Golf to allow you to renew or obtain a new GHIN # through the Mass Golf’s web site – – and its online program called Members Now!. It is the easiest way to become immediately active for the season. Once you renew or sign up online, you will be connected to our club and can take advantage of everything our club has to offer.
Getting started is very easy. click on the link below to be brought to the Members Now! sign up page. You will select the “join/renew” option regardless if you are a new member (if you are a GHIN first timer) or renewing member if you have had a GHIN # with our club or any other club in Massachusetts. Follow the simple steps and be sure to type in our club name in the map search menu when it asks you to search for your club of choice.
We realize that golfers have many choices, so we appreciate your support of our facility. Adopting the Members Now! program is just another example of how we are trying to do our best to make playing golf easier for you.
If you have any questions we encourage you to call or stop by the pro shop. We love to see our members. The staff at Mass Golf is also happy to assist you. Please contact Mass Golf staff at or 774.430.9072.